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One of the best ways to transform your heart and mind is to faithfully serve God and his people. He has uniquely gifted you to serve which also is the best path to growing and staying connected.  And just like every area of life, you won’t feel like you’re really apart of things until you participate in them. We want you to feel apart of God's family — as one of the Team Redwood volunteers. 

Here are some current ways you can join the movement and volunteer: 

"Serving is the best path to growth and belonging"

Prayer  & Care

Creative Arts


This ministry prays for those in need whether in the hospital or in the community.

Photographers, videographers, designers, writers, and editors to use their skills to spread the gospel message.

Help spread 

Gods word and love with the people and communities we serve.

Kids* & Youth*


Grant Writers

Operations team help keep Redwood moving— from setup to parking to security.

These ministries 

invests their creativity, time and talents to help kids and teens know, love, and serve God.

*Background Check Required

This ministry helps

develop and implement an effective grant writing strategy that yields funding for the work of ministry without compromising our mission or values.


From preparing refreshments to being a friendly face, these teams make people feel welcomed.

Volunteer with Us
Which days are you available?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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